Stop putting your audience to sleep: Grab The 5 Jaw-dropping Ways To start your presentations
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You're Invited -

When you're suddenly asked to speak up in a meeting, do you feel...



Like your mind has gone blank

At a loss for words

The Speaker's Society is your answer.

Come learn a new skill, practice speaking in a safe environment, and see growth in your abilities.



white hand drawn mountain pattern




You work in a professional capacity and struggle to speak articulately and effectively off the cuff

Your monthly speaking workshop specifically focused on learning about and improving your impromptu speaking skills

The 3rd Wednesday of every month!

12-12:45pm PST

(Oregon Time)

Via Zoom

You want to be able to think fast on your feet, speak with confidence pressure under pressure, and sound like you know what you're talking about in front of executives

How does it work?

In these 45-minute workshops you'll...

- Learn about impromptu speaking and why it's vital for your career growth
- Develop a skill to improve your impromptu speaking
- Practice your new skill out loud and receive concrete feedback
- Meet other professionals looking to improve their speaking skills

  The Specifics

First, we'll start with introductions
(don't worry, you're only going to share your name and job title - if you want!)

Next, I'll give a brief lesson on impromptu speaking + explain a skill you can use to
strengthen your future impromptu replies.

Third is the speaking practice segment.
I'll give prompts and questions to the whole group and ask for volunteers to answer on the spot.
You can opt in to answer and practice your impromptu speaking skills and get feedback from me directly!

Rather be a wall flower until you're ready to speak up? No problem.
Join us, take a seat, and raise your hand when you're ready.


You've got two options:


You pay $35.00 per visit to the society.

You'll join monthly and attend when you've got the time.

Buy your ticket for October's Workshop below!

Society Members

You pay $300.00 for a year.

You'll grab your spot for the next year and plan to attend monthly. You'll also get access to pop-up impromptu speaking workshops.

Enter your name

Fill in your information below

"*" indicates required fields

Drop your first and last name below*